Tuesday, July 31, 2007


The simple pleasures in life:
a packet of mini chocolate chip cookies and low-fat milk to take away my sorrows.

With the comforts of a loved one, there is nothing else to want.

|*t@tty snoozed off @ 3:11 am*|


Friday, July 27, 2007

^Mini Cooper^

2 weeks ago, I had the luxury of sitting in Wee Wee's new car - a red Mini. *heh*

~w WeeWee & his new baby~

I can never forget the sight of poor Eric squashed in front. Apparently, if it has more than one pax, no aircon for its passengers. heehee....and with four, uphill's not a guarantee. Talk about a windblown experience.

We headed for Club St. It's a real nice place I must say. Lots of cosy outlets which are good for chilling outings. Ended up in a French wine place whose name I can't remember but it's definitely worth a return visit.

~w my 'wrong order' wine~

~e 2 gay SIA Engineering interns~

~what I do best - bully Eric *muahaha*~

~attempting a scandal~

~supper buddies~

So, that was my first Mini experience and my first time riding downtown with the wind in my hair. Rather nice supper outing I must say. :D

|*t@tty snoozed off @ 9:36 pm*|


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

^Harry Potter update^

Psst. It's arrived.

I'm fighting all sorts of temptation not to start reading NOW! *haha* To think it's just a storybook. hmm..

Anyway, to all potential spoilers out there: Don't you DARE come and tell me ANYTHING to do with the story. I'll seriously MURDER you....

Okies...nightey everyone. :D

|*t@tty snoozed off @ 2:22 am*|


Monday, July 23, 2007

^Harry Potter^

I'm counting down the days till I receive my pre-ordered copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Yeah yeah, I know it's been released and all but my collector will only be able to meet on Thursday ma...and if you wanna borrow, join the queue. I'm the owner and even I am in the queue. *haha*

Hurry home to me.... :D

|*t@tty snoozed off @ 11:00 am*|


I've got my final year project topic already and I'm thankful that at least my project title is self-explanatory:

MN10 An anatomically correct, kinematic model of the human torso.

That wasn't too difficult to understand was it? :) Now, I just pray the project includes the close study of the male species torso and in order to create an aesthetically pleasing model, hunkylicious male species to be exact. *hehe*

So ladies, if you see good-looking bods trooping out of my room, don't be jealous ya? Only problem is, where to find them in Singapore???


|*t@tty snoozed off @ 10:51 am*|


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

^27th months on^

I've come to really enjoy the special ennies days out. Those intellectual outings, beach playtime and walks we had are starting to take their special places in my heart.

K's now on another work trip to Myanmar but before he left, we managed to squeeze in another special outing - a short trip to Cafe Del Mar in Sentosa to catch up on our books.

My current read - Star Struck by Pamela Anderson. Trust me, this is one good beach read. It is totally brainless and full of juicy sexy tidbits.

As you can see, he's supposed to be reading The 10-Day MBA but I convinced K to read the first chapter which was full of erm...action in a certain part of the house. Well, in Pam's case, various parts of the house.

~lovely sunset @ Cafe Del Mar~

I miss you bu. Hurry home.

And darling, Happy 27th Month anniversary.


|*t@tty snoozed off @ 5:10 am*|

^Being Superficial^

When my mom first went to Pattaya to help my dad settle in, we bought a dvd set for her, a Korean drama - My Lovely Samsoon.

~My Lovely Samsoon official pic~

I have spent the last few nights watching it again with my mom and just completed it tonight. Now, what is interesting about this show is that the female lead is a chubby, not-pretty and very crude 30-yr-old woman. She's talented at baking and is desperate to get married (well, so is her mom).

Okay, the summary of the show: chubby girl ends up liking her boss whose ex (who is really slim and pretty) returns from a sudden hiatus to the US. A really handsome ABC also arrives soon after and behold, he is interested in the ex. Let me now introduce the characters:

~Female lead~

~Male lead~

~The Ex~

~The really cute ABC~

So, to cut a long story short, chubby girl ends up with cutie 1 and the ex ends up with the ABC cutie. However, throughout the show, I felt a little uncomfortable. This was the first show I'm watching where the girl who snags the lead ain't slim and pretty nor does she undergo any form of transformation to become slim and pretty. Thus, romantic scenes just did not seem as romantic as others...which got me thinking:

Am I so superficial? Has it come to be that only pretty girls and cute guys can have romance?

Alright, now is the point I foresee receiving hate mail but seriously, give it some thought: aren't the leads in romantic shows always good-looking?? Girls swoon over good-looking couples and that's what keeps ratings high. Of course in reality, good-looking couples are really hard to find. Trust me, I've searched long for a suitable partner :P

At the end of the show, I still felt better watching the second couple kiss than the leads making out. Sigh....and I always thought I wasn't particular about appearances. Who was I kidding...

|*t@tty snoozed off @ 4:31 am*|


|t@tty Bear|

Name: Penelope Koh
D.O.B: 3rd Dec '85

"Shit happens. Live with it."

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RH Dancers

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smidapaper: Scrapbook Life
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Booze Wine Shop