Monday, December 03, 2007

^Another year older^

3hb Disember ialah hari jadi saya. :D (sorry, practising for my Bahasa Melayu paper later today)

The efficient (and utterly bored from studying) me has uploaded the pictures onto photobucket. Just click on the link. Unfortunately I missed out on the supper-inviter (Wenjing), cake bearer (TK) and all who crammed into my pathetic corridor... :D I'm sorry I couldn't take photos with everyone of you, thanks to Tommy Seetho who happily smeared my face with the nice mango mousse cake. *bleah* Hence, my dirty hands prevented me from photo-whoring.

A big THANK YOU to all who came down. I have never seen my corridor so filled with people before. *touched* Especially to those who came despite the exam period...*muak*

I still remember celebrating my bdae in hall used to be a sad affair. During my first two years in NUS, my birthday fell on the second last day of exams. Hence, there was really really very little people left, what more to remember my bdae. Then NUS pushed the semester back by 1 week. *hooray* Now, everyone's mugging during my bday. *haha* But hey, at least I get to hear really loud choruses of "Selamat Hari Jadi! Selamat Hari Jadi!" *hee*

~the cake buyer~

~glimpse of the party~

~Selamat Hari Jadi Penny~


|*t@tty snoozed off @ 2:01 am*|


Sunday, December 02, 2007

^It sucks. Period.^

"That-time-of-the-month": a time as feared in the mortal world as the reign of You-Know-Who in Harry Potter land. You know the cloud of darkness has arrived when your ever-loving girlfriend asks you THE question... "Do I look fat?" Another signal of the arriving doom is when your sister wakes up one clear sunny morning barking "Why did you eat MY egg??!!" Arhah! The arrival of the PERIOD and with it, the dreaded Premenstrual Syndrome (aka PMS).

According to, PMS is a disorder characterized by a set of hormonal changes that trigger disruptive symptoms in a significant number of women for up to two weeks prior to menstruation. PMS actually covers, what experts believe, up to 150 symptoms including feeling "out-of-control", depression, sore breasts and uncontrollable crying spells.

A website dedicated to helping the clueless understand this medical condition,, states that an estimated 70-90% of women suffer from various degrees of PMS. A further 3-8% unfortunate souls suffer from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), where emotional symptoms are severe enough to disrupt their lives.

Some useful advice from these online sites (note: take them with a pinch of salt) ...
  • If you have tender breasts, STOP THE CAFFEINE. That also means no more chocolates... :( Oh. And wear a good bra *duh*
  • If you feel bloated, drink more water as this helps you flush out 'stuff' and reduces bloated-ness. At the same time, do reduce your salt intake.
  • If you have mood swings and are easily irritated, try exercising to increase the level of endorphins (aha feel good hormones) in your body. Another suggestion is have a warm bubble bath but personally, I think this wouldn't work. C'mon, we're bleeding damnit! I ain't sitting in no red-coloured bath. Sorry for grossing you out there..
  • And the all common pain-in-the-ass cramps/backpain - heat pad, paracetemol, yoga/stretching and a quirky suggestion: microwaving a sock filled with rice. :S A personal favourite of mine is chocolates but of course ... it's suppose to be bad.
Actual occurance of "That-time-of-the-month" follows a cycle which normally peaks on the 2nd day and runs off within the week. Irregular vs. regular period cycles are mostly a matter of genes and stress environment. Lucky them who can count off their cycle periods. I use my twin peaks as gauges. *heh*

But seriously, I really hate having periods. I mean c'mon...we spend 1-2 weeks having aches and depression, another week bleeding and cramping and the last week anticipating the start of the cycle all over again. Not much to enjoy there ya know...

Anway, I found something rather interesting on the Net. An old comic on Ms. PMS. Seriously...Unfortunately it didn't last past the 1st issue. *ha* To read more about the (mis)adventures of Ms. PMS, do read this link.

A good friend of mine once said, women suffer from PMS all the time: Pre, Post, Permanent. *haha* Well, all it takes is a little understanding, more patience and alot of heat packs guys...having said that, period really does suck. Period.

|*t@tty snoozed off @ 11:36 pm*|


|t@tty Bear|

Name: Penelope Koh
D.O.B: 3rd Dec '85

"Shit happens. Live with it."

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